@inproceedings{pmlr-v238-hill24a,title={ Boundary-Aware Uncertainty for Feature Attribution Explainers },author={Hill, Davin and Masoomi, Aria and Torop, Max and Ghimire, Sandesh and Dy, Jennifer},booktitle={Proceedings of The 27th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics},pages={55--63},year={2024},editor={Dasgupta, Sanjoy and Mandt, Stephan and Li, Yingzhen},volume={238},series={Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},month={02--04 May},publisher={PMLR},}
Deep learning utilizing suboptimal spirometry data to improve lung function and mortality prediction in the UK Biobank
Davin Hill, Max Torop, Aria Masoomi, and 8 more authors
@article{hill2023deep,title={Deep learning utilizing suboptimal spirometry data to improve lung function and mortality prediction in the UK Biobank},author={Hill, Davin and Torop, Max and Masoomi, Aria and Castaldi, Peter and Silverman, Edwin K and Bodduluri, Sandeep and Bhatt, Surya P and Yun, Taedong and McLean, Cory Y and Hormozdiari, Farhad and others},journal={medRxiv},pages={2023--04},year={2023},publisher={Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press},}
SmoothHess: ReLU Network Feature Interactions via Stein’s Lemma
Max Torop, Aria Masoomi, Davin Hill, and 3 more authors
In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 02–04 may 2023
@inproceedings{NEURIPS2023_9ef5e965,author={Torop, Max and Masoomi, Aria and Hill, Davin and Kose, Kivanc and Ioannidis, Stratis and Dy, Jennifer},booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},editor={Oh, A. and Naumann, T. and Globerson, A. and Saenko, K. and Hardt, M. and Levine, S.},pages={50697--50729},publisher={Curran Associates, Inc.},title={SmoothHess: ReLU Network Feature Interactions via Stein\textquotesingle s Lemma},volume={36},year={2023},}
Unsupervised Approaches for Out-Of-Distribution Dermoscopic Lesion Detection
Max Torop, Sandesh Ghimire, Wenqian Liu, and 5 more authors
NeurIPS Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop, 02–04 may 2021
@article{torop2021unsupervised,title={Unsupervised Approaches for Out-Of-Distribution Dermoscopic Lesion Detection},author={Torop, Max and Ghimire, Sandesh and Liu, Wenqian and Brooks, Dana H and Camps, Octavia and Rajadhyaksha, Milind and Dy, Jennifer and Kose, Kivanc},journal={NeurIPS Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS Workshop},year={2021},}
Deep learning using a biophysical model for robust and accelerated reconstruction of quantitative, artifact-free and denoised images
Max Torop, Satya VVN Kothapalli, Yu Sun, and 4 more authors
@article{torop2020deep,title={Deep learning using a biophysical model for robust and accelerated reconstruction of quantitative, artifact-free and denoised images},author={Torop, Max and Kothapalli, Satya VVN and Sun, Yu and Liu, Jiaming and Kahali, Sayan and Yablonskiy, Dmitriy A and Kamilov, Ulugbek S},journal={Magnetic resonance in medicine},volume={84},number={6},pages={2932--2942},year={2020},publisher={Wiley Online Library},}